Planning Location Shoots 101- Check the Weather!

Check the Weather!
  • Make sure the weather is appropriate for the photo session.

    When planning a location shoot, be sure to check the weather ahead of time. The last thing anyone wants is to get caught in the rain by surprise- especially clients who may have gotten their hair and makeup done for the photo session. On the flip side, if you do need rain or snow as an added element of your photo, you will be able to plan accordingly. 
  • Dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

    You will be able to work much more efficiently if you dress appropriately for the weather. Take it from someone who knows- it sucks to be stuck out in the cold during a photo session. Your hands will feel like they are about to fall off and it will be difficult to operate your camera in such conditions.
  • Schedule a rain date just in case.

    It is always best to schedule a rain date just as a precaution. If you suspect that it may rain on the day of your scheduled shoot, ask your client when else they may be available. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Planning Location Shoots 101- Confirm the Session!


Planning Location Shoots 101- Prepare!