Planning Location Shoots 101- Confirm the Session!

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  • Confirm the session.

    Make a habit of confirming the session at least 24 hours before the scheduled photo session. Do not wait until the last minute or the day of to ask whether the client is still able to make it. I have arrived to a location shoot before only to discover that the model was nowhere to be found- needless to say that session didn’t go so well. 
  • Require a deposit. 
    A lot of photographers and other entrepreneurs require a deposit from their clients when booking their services. This is normally 50% which is required to pair up front followed by the remaining balance being paid at the time of or day of the session. 
  • Make the cancellation and rescheduling policy clear.

    Nothing is worse than a client who doesn’t make their scheduled appointment, reschedules multiple times, or demands a refund. By making your cancellation policy clear, you can easily prevent these problems. Do not allow your clients to reschedule sessions over and over again; instead, limit it to one or two rain check date. Also state that all session should be canceled within X amount of time of the scheduled session. 

Planning Location Shoots 101- Arrive Early!


Planning Location Shoots 101- Check the Weather!